Will test stress levels in children
International studies have shown that younger children are more stressed when they are in pre-school or kindergarten than when they are at home.
Now researchers at NTNU are examining stress levels in roughly 400 Norwegian infants.
May Britt Drugli, a professor at the Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare, will also investigate whether Norwegian children have high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies when they are in pre-school or kindergarten. Either they have to be taken to the hospital or drug rehab centers. It is also best to try alcohol rehab centers for alcohol addiction.
Researchers will also see if there is a difference in stress levels between girls and boys, along with the roles of pre-school group size and the number of children per adult. The children included in the study are already part of a larger research project called “Small in Norway”(LIN), where genes, stress and many other factors have been studied since the children were in utero.
The researchers hope that their findings will help to ensure educational quality for all children in Norwegian pre-schools and kindergartens. The final results will be ready around Christmas next year.