Will home delivery and e-commerce make our transport habits more eco friendly?
How is the travel pattern of a family affected by the delivery of foods to the door? And does this make them more environmentally friendly? Researchers will now find the answer.
Our shopping habits change all the time, not least because online shopping and home delivery are common. But how does it affect our patterns of consumption – and travel issues?
“The Sustainable Last Mile Logistics” project will help to find this out, so that urban planners and others can more easily take into account peoples shopping behavior. Should there, for instance, be requirements for a common warehouse or common storage boxes when new housing blocks or areas are established?
How can cities facilitate home delivery without trucks and vans invading the roads in residential areas?
“Maybe you can save the world by buying food on the phone, if the way we shop for food also affects the way we travel and how much we drive. We will find out now, says project manager Odd Andre Hjelkrem in SINTEF.
Right now a questionnaire is being conducted on how home delivery services for food and groceries affect population consumption and travel habits. Anyone who wishes can participate in the survey.