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Global MRI data offers hope for improving treatment of brain injuries

A sizable research consortium coordinated by NTNU and St. Olavs Hospital will analyse large amounts of MRI exam data from around the world. The data will help researchers gain important new understanding about brain injuries in people who have had trauma to the head. The goal is to improve patient health care.

A woman secretly watches her partner cheat on her

How women and men forgive infidelity

Men and women react differently to different types of infidelity. But new findings about how we forgive cheating by our partners surprised researchers.

How to get good at disagreeing

Do you hesitate to speak up when you disagree with the rest of the group? Are the others not saying anything either? Then you’re probably not maximizing your collaboration. But you can learn how to disagree more effectively.

When art turns climate activist

Can art that literally takes your breath away make you more climate friendly? You can find out yourself if you happen to be in Madrid, at the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 25.

What young people ask about when guaranteed anonymity

An analysis of almost 300,000 unsolicited questions written by young Norwegians on the website, has provided major insights into what they’re really interested in today. Their bodies, health and identity are among the topics heading the list.

Here’s what you need to rise to the top

Passion, grit, the right mindset and support from others are what’s needed to rank among the best in a given field. That’s the only way you’ll be able to keep yourself motivated and endure all the practice that’s required.

Michelin-class composting

Now you can learn how to compost food scraps from a Michelin restaurant. Restaurant Credo folks in Trondheim will be showing off their artistry at the FUTURUM exhibit, part of NTNU’s science festival The Big Challenge.

Passion trumps love for sex in relationships

When women distinguish between sex and the relational and emotional aspects of a relationship, this determines how often couples in long-term relationships have sex. Passion plays a significant role.

Advice for parents who struggle with picky eaters

Children have to taste a food at least ten times before knowing whether they like it or not. Pickiness is hereditary, says an NTNU professor. She has nine tips for parents with picky eaters.

Ecolabels alone don’t work

NTNU researchers wanted to see if labelling products and putting up signs in stores would encourage more consumers to buy sustainable seafood. The results showed that customers bought significantly more seafood generally – including options that were not sustainably harvested.