cognitive therapy

A cure for social anxiety disorders

Social phobia is the most common anxiety disorder of our time. But the current treatment regimen for patients with this diagnosis has not proven very effective. Now NTNU researchers believe they have found a cure for social anxiety disorders.

Jo mer rekkverket og fronten av bilen deformeres, jo bedre for menneskene som sitter inni den. Det sier kollisjonseksperter ved NTNU. Foto: Henrik Sundgård

Creating the perfect collision

To you and me, this might look like a disaster. But Norwegian ski star Petter Northug’s car crash was actually pretty ideal. The materials in the car and guard rail acted just the way they were designed to in order to save the lives of passengers in the car.

The Norwegian who built the world’s roads

The Flåm Line railway, the Trans-Iranian railroad, Ethiopian roads and many Norwegian airports. A little known professor and engineer at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) helped to build them all.

Not exactly popcorn

2014 NOBEL PRIZE: When May-Britt Moser gave her Nobel lecture on Sunday, she had some help from the audience. At her signal Moser’s colleagues stood up in the audience and made popping sounds. These are the sounds that the scientists hear when rat brain cells communicate with each other.