Education and Lifelong Learning

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Professor wants to involve children in work

“A sense of community between generations will be key to ensuring sustainable coastal communities. The importance of children’s learning through work is underestimated,” says Professor Anne Trine Kjørholt.


School, war and crisis management

The Norwegian school year start up again after another pandemic crisis year and with the ongoing war in Ukraine. Pupils’ experiences may be different, but all children are affected by these crises, some many years later.

How useful or necessary is homework?

This topic is one of several addressed in an updated Norwegian Education Act that is currently out for comments. Several researchers are sceptical about the benefits of homework.

Abrupt transition from kindergarten to school is tough for kids

Assigned seats, larger groups of children and scheduled subject classes in first grade are a completely different experience for children than life in kindergarten. Research shows that for many, the transition is too abrupt. Here is one researcher’s advice on how to create a positive transition.

Instagram makes it easier to exercise

People who followed researchers’ motivational posts on Instagram got more enjoyment out of their training sessions. Just a couple of minutes over the course of four weeks was enough to make a difference.