Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture

Laste ikon

Is it really sustainable for everyone to own an electric car?

Norway is often seen as a shining example of how a country can make its transportation greener by encouraging consumers to purchase electric cars. But Norway’s approach isn’t for everyone — and it may be hampering the country’s efforts to make its transport solutions truly climate friendly.

Pirates, noblewomen and bicycling housewives

Why does Norway always rank among the top countries on the planet when it comes to gender equality? Part of the answer lies in medieval times, when Norwegian women battled the Hanseatic League with pirates and threatened to burn down towns to wield their power.

Pigs in China

ERC grant on food sustainability in China

NTNU researcher Marius Korsnes has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) . He will explore the concept of “sufficiency” when it comes to urban, sustainable food.

Goat in field with device around its neck

CyborGoats find their way into Norwegian villages

Goats are smart animals. A new technology takes advantage of their intelligence — so they longer need physical fences. More than 2400 Norwegian farmers are already using the technology to herd their animals.

Robots with boxes

An automated box on wheels — with personality

Robots are becoming more and more omnipresent in our lives, even though we may not notice. New research shows that when a boxy motorized hospital robot can talk, people find it funny and engaging. And that may help people be more willing to accept new technologies, like robots, in their everyday lives.

A woman walks assisted with an exoskeleton around her back and legs

Robot technology for everyone or only for the average person?

Robot technology is being used more and more in health rehabilitation and in working life. Exoskeletons are one technology with great potential. But this technology is often developed for the average person. So what about people who are small and thin, or tall and overweight?

China’s rapid development of solar and wind power

Chinese authorities are investing heavily in green energy. The country has become a world leader in solar and wind power. This rapid expansion was made possible by the approach taken by authorities.


Are robots designed to include the queer population?

Robot technology is flourishing in multiple sectors of society, including the retail, health care, industry and education sectors. However, are the perspectives of minority groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community, considered in robot and AI development?