Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture

Men are men and women have to watch out

Women who work on ships have to take responsibility for not being sexually harassed. This is the message according to a new book on gender, sexuality and power structures in large organizations.

Living with zero-emission technology

How does technology change people, and how do people change in response to technology? Sixteen people volunteered to live in a high-tech, zero-emission house to help researchers answer those exact questions.

I, Cyborg

Researchers at NTNU are developing a robot that will be controlled by living brain cells.

Gråbein, skrubb, varg. Det heter gjerne at «kjært barn har mange navn», men når det kommer til ulv er det sprikende meninger om sannhetsgehalten i dette ordtaket. Foto: Thinkstock

Is the “new” Norwegian wolf really wild?

Loved and hated. Admired and feared. Almost wiped out and restored. Wolves have a long and varied history in Norway and trigger strong feelings on both sides of the issue.

The jewel in the crown

“Dynamic positioning” has been hailed as “the jewel in the crown” and Norway’s greatest engineering feat since World War II. But what is it?

Hug a robot with your grandchild’s voice

How would you feel about robots taking over elder care? It may seem odd to you, but most Japanese wouldn’t even think twice about robots caring for their grandparents.