hydropower turbines

The Alchemists: Turning wild water into white coal

How Norwegian scientists and engineers harnessed the country’s wild waterfalls by developing super efficient turbines — and how advances in turbine technology being developed now may be the future in a zero-carbon world.

One hundred years of producing energy — from water

The 1969 discovery of oil at the Ekofisk field in the North Sea transformed Norway into an internationally important energy nation. But long before black gold was being pumped from the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Norway’s economy was fuelled by a different kind of energy: hydropower.

Norway can be Europe’s green battery

Norwegian hydropower could make Norway the “green battery” of Europe — not by building new power plants, but by further developing those we have.


Preventing hydropower turbine failure

The turbines at the heart of Norway’s many hydropower plants are in trouble. They can’t handle the new, flexible power production regime.