UN Sustainable Development Goals: Affordable and Clean Energy

Laste ikon

Yes, we should produce hydrogen in Norway

Producing hydrogen will become an important part of decarbonising Europe’s energy system and is one of the opportunities Norway has to maintain value creation along the lines of what the country has experienced with oil and gas.

Hydrogen from A to Z

Hydrogen is found in large quantities on Earth, can be used in many contexts and is being promoted as an important solution in the transition to climate-friendly energy. But hydrogen investment also generates heated debate. So what’s the deal with hydrogen?


For how long can you keep warm during a power outage?

Many Norwegian homes can only be heated using electricity. The authors of this blog argue that in the event of an extended power outage, energy-efficient homes will stay warm for much longer than those built according to the minimum regulatory requirements.

Builders rush to learn from the ZEB lab showcase

The ZEB Laboratory has been utilised both as an office building and a sustainable construction laboratory for about two years. It was designed to be the world’s most ambitious ‘climate-adapted building’ and up to now it has been a great success.

Sustainability. Jack Liu.

Why there is still hope for our planet

Is it too late to save our planet? Professor Jianguo Liu is the newest winner of The Gunnerus Award in Sustainability Science. He offers us some hope.

man in winter coat

Is it really selfish to complain about electricity prices?

Norwegians are not necessarily being selfish by wanting to go back to the good old days of cheap electricity. Nor do people think it is acceptable to use the situation for some to enrich themselves at the expense of others, says the researcher.

Making bike-sharing work

Bike-sharing is a way for cities to cut their greenhouse gas emissions while limiting urban congestion. But bikes have to be available when and where people want them. A new approach can help by ensuring bikes are in the right place at the right time.

Norwegian rivers need to be better protected

When hydroelectric power plants suddenly switch off the water, we risk killing fish fry and other living organisms in rivers. The regulations need to change, say scientists and anglers.

First ones out to buy and sell neighbourhood electricity

Many buildings with solar cells produce more electricity than they consume themselves, but current legislation prevents surplus power from being sold to neighbouring consumers. A pilot project in Trondheim will be the first in the world to test a system that makes this possible.

The Alchemists: Turning wild water into white coal

How Norwegian scientists and engineers harnessed the country’s wild waterfalls by developing super efficient turbines — and how advances in turbine technology being developed now may be the future in a zero-carbon world.


Is green growth possible?

Increases in economic growth contribute to one-for-one increases in carbon emissions. Energy system decarbonization and economic productivity gains are the most effective carbon emissions mitigation mechanisms for sustainable economic development.