This kind of flirting works best
Some people succeed at flirting more often than others. Plenty of people are obviously more attractive than the rest of us, but it also seems that a lot of them know what works. Now researchers do, too.
Some people succeed at flirting more often than others. Plenty of people are obviously more attractive than the rest of us, but it also seems that a lot of them know what works. Now researchers do, too.
Scepticism about social welfare schemes can increase as immigration grows. But only among those who are already sceptical of immigrants.
The war in and over Ukraine has already lasted nearly two months. There is little reason to assume that it will be over anytime soon.
Is it possible to identify signs of depression by analysing the content young people post online and in chat rooms? The answer is yes!
Young children are not sufficiently listened to and included in their own case decisions in Child Welfare Services. A European development project has been tasked with tackling the issue.
Baby boomers have a big climate footprint. In 2005, people over 60 accounted for 25% of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2015, that number jumped to nearly 33%.
Assigned seats, larger groups of children and scheduled subject classes in first grade are a completely different experience for children than life in kindergarten. Research shows that for many, the transition is too abrupt. Here is one researcher’s advice on how to create a positive transition.
Countries arise, change and disappear. An ERC Grant of €2 million will illustrate how old states affect conflicts and democracy today.
Political power adjustments in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union rank among the deepest causes of the war. But balance of power alone does not explain the crisis and war.
The United States received a lot of criticism when NATO Allies withdrew from Afghanistan. But the United States almost never pulls all its military out of a country completely. Maybe not often enough.
Why does Norway always rank among the top countries on the planet when it comes to gender equality? Part of the answer lies in medieval times, when Norwegian women battled the Hanseatic League with pirates and threatened to burn down towns to wield their power.
The war in Ukraine is a disaster foretold. The warnings have come from Russia – and they have been coming for at least 15 years and they have been consistent. But they have been ignored by the outside world. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represents the loser’s ultimate revenge.
Norwegian industry is shifting towards a greener future. But what does the transition to a greener economy really mean for industry and for consumers?
Mausund and the Froan Nature Reserve are located in an archipelago far out to sea along the Trøndelag county coast, but they are not exactly pristine. About 25 per cent of the soil in the area contains plastic.
NTNU researcher Marius Korsnes has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) . He will explore the concept of “sufficiency” when it comes to urban, sustainable food.
Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in adolescence and is found in children as young as kindergarten age. Unfortunately, the disorder often lasts into adulthood, but an NTNU study gives cause for optimism.
Universities want to recruit more women into technology fields. More men complete their studies then, too. The measures are working but need to be sustained over the long-term.
Increases in economic growth contribute to one-for-one increases in carbon emissions. Energy system decarbonization and economic productivity gains are the most effective carbon emissions mitigation mechanisms for sustainable economic development.
Income differences in small Norwegian towns have increased since 2004, when several former Eastern Bloc countries joined the EU.
Goats are smart animals. A new technology takes advantage of their intelligence — so they longer need physical fences. More than 2400 Norwegian farmers are already using the technology to herd their animals.
Lower secondary school means grades, more tests and more freedom. On top of all that you have the major physical developments that the body is undergoing. Yet the vast majority of pupils find the transition to lower secondary school positive, according to research from NTNU.
Many people have been robbed of a very basic need during the pandemic: physical contact. Human touch triggers hormones like serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. Hormones that make us feel good flourish when we touch each other.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions to meet climate goals won’t be easy, to put it mildly. But the job just got a little simpler for 34 European countries with the creation of a new interactive map that pinpoints emissions at a local level.
An abrupt halt to oil activities in the North Sea is not the solution to the climate crisis. The way forward is to establish alternatives to oil.