Work and leadership

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Clever hands can’t be digitalised

A huge amount of the knowledge we acquire about our work cannot be expressed either digitally or on paper. Children ought to be made aware of this as early as in primary school, because this tacit knowledge is in danger of dying out.


Cultures of fear can be strangled at birth

In the wake of the shocking revelation from a major Oslo hospital that fear among employees is making corporate whistleblowing difficult, some in the IT sector are promoting the opposite. When something goes wrong, they learn from their mistakes together.

A woman walks assisted with an exoskeleton around her back and legs

Robot technology for everyone or only for the average person?

Robot technology is being used more and more in health rehabilitation and in working life. Exoskeletons are one technology with great potential. But this technology is often developed for the average person. So what about people who are small and thin, or tall and overweight?

How to get good at disagreeing

Do you hesitate to speak up when you disagree with the rest of the group? Are the others not saying anything either? Then you’re probably not maximizing your collaboration. But you can learn how to disagree more effectively.

From coronavirus to a greener society?

Governments across the globe are funding record-breaking crisis packages to cope with the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. Is this the time to fund greener, more climate-friendly industries and investments?

State’s large investments smarter than many people think

From the press coverage, you might expect only wasted time and projects built over budget when the government invests in roads, buildings and other large projects. But the state — in Norway, anyway — doesn’t do a bad job after all.