How hot does a firefighter get?

Firefighters do hard physical work while being exposed to great heat strain. Now we know more about what happens to their body temperature during a smoke dive.

Former airport is now an ‘eco-town’

It is essential that Norwegian towns and cities become climate-neutral. But how do we get this done? On the site of the old Oslo airport at Fornebu, researchers are demonstrating how real transformation can be implemented in practice.

New guidelines for green roofs

More green roofs and facades will help to create more space for natural habitats in our urban environments. A new set of guidelines has been prepared for those of us looking to green our roofs.

Are architectural approaches holding water?

Students, researchers and the building industry are collaborating to adapt our homes to climate change. And they’re identifying solutions that hadn’t been obvious before.

How to mitigate household flood damage

Was your house damaged following the recent ‘Hans’ extreme weather event? SINTEF can advise you about what you can do to limit the extent of the damage.

How does light impact our school pupils?

Did you know that light is a factor that affects both learning and the psychological development in school children? The right kind of light can boost performance in reading, writing and maths, and suppress restlessness and aggression.