Laste ikon

Skeleton greenhouse

Artificial hips would not be quite so artificial, if researchers succeed in developing living bone mass.

Bull moose with big antlers

Eating their genes?

Many moose hunters are looking for the largest and finest bulls. But does this mean that the best genetic material ends up on the dinner table?

From poison to palatable

Every night millions of people go to bed hungry. New genetic technology can help us feed the world by making inedible seeds more edible.

The future factory

A one-hundred-year old institution is celebrating its centennial. But what’s the larger historical significance of this milestone?

The force from nowhere

NEW PROJECT: New knowledge about Casimir energy, including how the energy changes when the surrounding temperature changes.

Save the planet? Stop eating meat.

Growing and producing food make agriculture and food consumption among the most important drivers of environmental pressures, including climate change and habitat loss.

Problems with maths?

Troubles with handwriting – and motor skills? The explanation for your difficulties may be in the workings of the cells in your eyes.

Autonomous robots at sea

This boat has no captain. Nor is it remotely controlled. It nevertheless manoeuvres safely between other vessels.

A network apart

Genetically, we are almost the same as chimpanzees. But an important difference is how our genes form highly complex networks.

Fishy business

Thanks to two researchers and a chef, miracles have taken place in this aquarium.

Robots with Argus eyes

A finely tuned robot glance can detect imperfections in roe and fish – faster than any human eyes.

The invisible technology

Nanoproducts have slipped into our lives, almost without being noticed. Man-made particles end up in the air, soil and water. What happens to them?

Robot kids

Their brains are still no more advanced than that of a one-year-old, but scientists want robots to be as smart as teenagers – at least.

Gemini.no logo

The genes decide

What causes pre-eclampsia during pregnancy? The answer lies in the mother’s DNA. And perhaps in the child’s father’s.

Frozen in time

If you bury the cat in the garden, will she someday become a fossil?

The lizard wizard

Dag Dolmen stood on a rock in Dzhungaria and knew without looking what was underneath.

The Pain Paradox

Some people have constant pain. But the reasons why are not always so obvious.