The use of stem cells now makes it possible for us to cultivate so-called organoids, such as tiny versions of a liver, heart or small intestine, in the lab. These micro-organs can then be connected to a microchip that simulates the body’s biological processes. This ‘organ-on-a-chip’ technology opens the door to previously undreamt-of research possibilities.
The last dent in your car, two tragic aviation accidents, and the blow out at the Deepwater Horizon platform may all have had the same underlying cause.
Have you ever wondered what the terms digitalisation and digital transformation really mean? Are you unsure about when to use these terms and what they mean to you? And, more to the point, what’s the difference?
When you work from home, you tend to communicate more with the members of your own team. This is good for implementing ideas. On the other hand, you also communicate less with other groups, which does not encourage the creation of new ideas. But all this can be fixed.
These smart glasses first tell you what to do, then check that you’re doing it right, while constantly making sure that you aren’t getting too tired. Future aircraft are among the products that will be manufactured with the help of this innovative Norwegian technology.
During his visit to Norway earlier this year, Bill Gates was keen to emphasise the innovation that will be needed to reduce the costs of mitigating climate change. One place to start is to educate more experts in the field of data processing.
Why are cold temperatures so dangerous if you have an accident? And why is it that cold temperatures enable some patients to survive without permanent harm?
Are remote video consultations appropriate for treating children and young people under the care of the child welfare services? Therapists recognise a number of benefits, but most young people are critical of webcam-based therapy.
What we are seeing on our TV screens has now been confirmed by science. Johannes Høsflot Klæbo ticks all the boxes defined by researchers looking for the most important factors needed for success in mass start cross-country ski racing.
We shouldn’t be too worried that conversational agents such as ChatGPT might be making cheats of our pupils. Schools should be empowering them to try out new technologies.
Imagine being treated ‘in hospital’ via an advanced VR headset! Researchers are now making this possible with the help of local ‘health rooms’ and so-called ‘augmented reality’. Results from their experiments have so far proved to be quite promising.
Skiers can gain on their competitors by having a detailed plan of what to do on the uphills. Timing their push at exactly the right moment is key to avoid expending too much effort.
Many managers believe that their efforts to promote a healthy psychosocial working environment are succeeding. According to a recent report, however, many employees do not agree. No surprise, perhaps, since it appears that people are defining the concept in different ways.
Ships, bridges and wind turbines can all be made safe using sensors that are just a few millimetres across. Researchers have borrowed the principle behind the technology from a vibrating guitar string.
Machines are currently learning how to identify cancer cells with the help of manipulated light. This approach may help to take the pressure off our hard-pressed health services and reduce waiting times for anxious patients.
Is it healthy to take a cold dip in winter? Is it true that most heat loss occurs through the head, and can we get ill if our legs get cold? Here is a summary of our researcher’s answers.
Working from home is here to stay. And this makes team building more important than ever. Recent research demonstrates that making employees’ working lives more flexible may also erode their loyalty.
Autonomous aerial and ground-based robots have been designed to do the work needed to protect critical infrastructure – quicker and more cheaply than traditional methods.
There is a lot of space junk orbiting the Earth. Norwegian researchers believe that in the future, there will be a market for its removal and have developed an entirely new type of robot vision that will make this possible. This has stimulated the interest of the ESA.
How can we ensure that everyone feels that they can cope and develop? This is just one of many challenges that employers have to address now that working from home is here to stay.
A game-based test that detects hearing loss in children has recently been awarded a European innovation medal. Both the test and the technology behind it have been developed by Norwegian researchers.
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