
Laste ikon

What the Vikings put in their pillows

Not too many people are able to identify birds by examining a single feather. But a number of folks need to know that sort of thing, and it can actually save lives.

Archaeological finds unearthed on the fly

What was supposed to be a simple excavation to allow for the expansion of a church cemetery turned into a treasure trove of historic artefacts, including a decorative fitting from a book “imported” by Vikings from Ireland.

Vikings conquer Disney World

Disney World wants to showcase archaeological artefacts from the NTNU University Museum for millions of Florida visitors.

Real men dance the minuet

The Birken ski festival, the Great Trial of Strength cycling event and the Norseman Xtreme Triathlon are considered to be real tests of manhood today. But a few hundred years ago, the minuet was how men displayed their skills and strength.

Brewing Viking beer — with stones

When archaeologist Geir Grønnesby dug test pits at 24 different farms in central Norway, he nearly always found thick layers of fire-cracked stones dating from the Viking Age and earlier. Long ago, Norwegians brewed beer using stones.

Moonwalkers three

Just 12 Americans have set foot on the lunar surface, and of those, only six are still alive. Three—Buzz Aldrin, Charlie Duke and Harrison “Jack” Schmitt — will be in Trondheim at the Starmus Science Festival to talk about the future of humankind in space.

Viking ship

Dressed up with bling stolen in Viking raids

We might not consider it bling, but to the Viking-age woman who wore a fitting from a horse’s harness, it was an exotic piece of jewellery. Never mind that it was stolen from the British Isles during a Viking raid.

Iron-age Norwegians liked their bling

Norway’s Main Air Station at Ørland will be expanded to house the country’s new F-35 fighter jets. Archaeologists called in to examine the expansion site before construction have found evidence of Iron Age longhouses, complete with glass shards, beads and lots of garbage.

Secrets of a traditional Norwegian Christmas sausage

Making sausages is not just a question of good ingredients and skill. There’s a little science involved, too. Professor Trygve Magne Eikevik makes his own sausages, and is willing to share his technique and his recipes, especially for Norwegian Christmas sausage.