Children and families

Laste ikon

Why is it so hard to bring clean cookers to Africa?

Despite decades of innovation, more than a billion people in sub-Saharan Africa still don’t have access to clean cooking. Low-tech, affordable cookers exist, yet firewood remains the go-to fuel. Why?

Women born prematurely are at greater risk of committing suicide

Children born prematurely are more at risk of dying from road traffic accidents, suicide and substance abuse in late adolescence. A new Nordic study shows that women who were born prematurely are particularly at significantly greater risk of committing suicide.

Objects and shapes are vital to language. Lion paintings from the Chauvet Cave in France.

How do objects shape our language?

Objects and shapes influence language and how we see the world. The European Research Council is supporting research on this topic with a NOK 123 million Synergy Grant.

The downside of being good looking

Being young and beautiful can have its risks. The best-looking young people tend to drink and party more – and are more likely to make choices that could lead to problems in adulthood.

Bullying can affect dental health

Young people who have adverse childhood experiences are at greater risk of poor dental health. This is important knowledge for dental health services, according to new research.

Teachers who fought against Nazi ideology at a prison camp in northern Norway.

When 1100 teachers defied Hitler — and won!

More than 80 years ago, Norwegian teachers refused to teach Nazi ideology to their students. They were tortured, imprisoned and starved. But they prevailed. The story of how they won — and why it still matters.

Social media does not cause depression in children and young people

Many children and young adults spend a lot of time on social media, much to the concern of their parents and guardians. Researchers at NTNU have now taken a closer look at the impact of using social media such as Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok on young people’s mental health.


Professor wants to involve children in work

“A sense of community between generations will be key to ensuring sustainable coastal communities. The importance of children’s learning through work is underestimated,” says Professor Anne Trine Kjørholt.

Footballgirls with different skincolours

Is a foreign name a disadvantage?

Do we discriminate against people with foreign-sounding names? A clever experiment with fictional girls who wanted to play football yields some answers that might surprise you.

Grades shouldn’t be introduced too early

Assigning marks in Grade 7 can have negative effects. A new study shows that the practice can affect pupils’ academic performance and how they experience the transition to secondary school.