
Laste ikon

The robot inspectors have arrived

Autonomous aerial and ground-based robots have been designed to do the work needed to protect critical infrastructure – quicker and more cheaply than traditional methods.

New solar panels from solar panel waste 

Solar energy is good news for planet Earth – but solar panels are not as climate-friendly as they should be. Researcher Martin Bellmann is using what he calls the ‘black gold’ waste materials from solar panel manufacture to make new panels. 


Innovative recovery of valuable raw materials from ‘red mud’

Waste slags from the metallurgy industries often contain valuable materials, but in very small concentrations. This means that large areas of valuable land are used to accommodate reservoirs filled with what is sometimes toxic waste. We now want to use hydrogen to convert this waste into a resource.

Robots can identify and remove space junk

There is a lot of space junk orbiting the Earth. Norwegian researchers believe that in the future, there will be a market for its removal and have developed an entirely new type of robot vision that will make this possible. This has stimulated the interest of the ESA.

Crowding-induced stress gives mackerel the blues

Researchers have succeeded in showing that mackerel turn blue when under stress. This new knowledge will better enable our fisheries to safeguard fish welfare and will optimise catch quality into the bargain.

Will Industry 5.0 herald the revenge of the humans?

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) put automation, digitalisation and robotisation very much in the driving seat. But something was missing. The introduction of Industry 5.0 will hand control back to you and me.

‘Bio-batteries’ enable us to store solar and wind energy

Up until now it has been a challenge to store the energy we generate when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. But researchers at a laboratory in Trondheim in Norway have succeeded in doing just this – and entirely without any form of advanced battery technology.

How does light impact our school pupils?

Did you know that light is a factor that affects both learning and the psychological development in school children? The right kind of light can boost performance in reading, writing and maths, and suppress restlessness and aggression.