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Learning to trace salmon lice

Is it only farmed fish that are responsible for spreading salmon lice larvae? Or is it also possible that wild salmon can infect farmed fish? This is what researchers will be trying to find out.


Tracking whales as they cruise the Arctic

For the first time ever, researchers have been able to track eight fin whales in near real time for five hours, as they swam along a stretch of fibre-optic cable line in the Arctic. The breakthrough suggests that fibre-optic cable networks could be harnessed to help prevent whale deaths by ship strikes.


Towards zero-defect manufacturing

As consumers, we have all from time to time experienced buying faulty items, whether they be smart phones, washing machines or cars. Researchers now believe that this is a thing of the past.


Who has died from COVID-19?

At least six million people have died from COVID-19 to date. But who dies is often not random. The same pattern is found around the world.


Mini2P microscope goes global

The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience has won a grant to share its groundbreaking miniature brain microscope with researchers across the globe.


Easier to recycle agricultural plastics

Researchers are currently working to improve the recycling system for agricultural plastics. Their aim is that more plastic shall be recovered and recycling made simpler and more effective.

Bildet viser Lena van Giesen gjemt delvis bak en korall.

ERC support for coral research

Lena van Giesen, an associate professor at NTNU’s Department of Biology, was awarded EUR 1.7 million by the European Research Council (ERC) to study larval development of the coral Lophelia pertusa as well as its environment.


Can exercise make breast milk better?

Research scientist Trine Moholdt at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). She will study how exercise impacts breast milk composition.