
Laste ikon

NTNU neuroscientists win German research prize

Edvard and May-Britt Moser, co-directors of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, have been selected for a EUR 750 000 award from the Körber Foundation.

Hunting lung tumors

The innumerable divisions of the bronchi often turn the hunt for tumours in the lungs into a game of chance. But soon, lung specialists will be able to navigate accurately inside the airways by “GPS”.

Lifesaving sensor for full bladders

A small pressure sensor can make the difference between life and death. The first tests on humans will be carried out in April on patients with spinal injuries at Sunnaas Hospital in Norway.

Seminavis robusta, stained with Aniline Blue, autofluorescence chloroplasts

Learning from algae

By controlling the sex life of algae, scientists can promote the properties they want.

A “light switch” in the brain illuminates neural networks

Researchers from NTNU’s Kavli Institute of Systems Neuroscience are now able to see which cells communicate with each other in the brain by flipping a neural light switch. The results of their efforts are presented in an article in the 5 April 2013issue of Science magazine.


Smart gels

Hydrogels are water-based gels that can be tailored to swell […] logo

Smart gels

Hydrogels are water-based gels that can be tailored to swell […]