
Laste ikon

Robot kids

Their brains are still no more advanced than that of a one-year-old, but scientists want robots to be as smart as teenagers – at least.

Super bed sheet

A specially modified, millimetre-thick, super-absorbent bed sheet solves delivery-room problems. logo

The genes decide

What causes pre-eclampsia during pregnancy? The answer lies in the mother’s DNA. And perhaps in the child’s father’s.

Frozen in time

If you bury the cat in the garden, will she someday become a fossil?

The lizard wizard

Dag Dolmen stood on a rock in Dzhungaria and knew without looking what was underneath.

The 80 per cent solution

By recycling used water, we can live with just a couple of buckets of fresh, clean water a day, while the rest of our water will come from recycled sources.

A view into you

Ultrasonics improves a surgeon’s view in the removal of tumours from the pituitary gland.

The Pain Paradox

Some people have constant pain. But the reasons why are not always so obvious.

UFO at sunset?

No, this is just a little drop of water from […]

Kelp in the tank

Jorunn Skjermo is doing her best to ensure that cars can be powered by green fuel from the sea.

A spin on the future

The science of spintronics, where the spin of an electron is used to create new technologies, may hold the key to making ever faster and lighter consumer products.