
Laste ikon

Moving underground

Scientists from Trondheim are helping Singapore to move its infrastructure underground.

Secrets of forgetting

Alzheimer’s disease takes you into a deep darkness. But a laser light and a detective molecule will lead you out.

Smart materials

Today’s materials are not like they were before. We now give them properties to safeguard against rust, repel graffiti and store or emit heat.

A soft touch

If robots are going to be able to lift soft things without damaging them, we need to think differently.

Good news for pigs

Embedding sperm cells in a gel for artificial insemination increases the fertilization period for cattle and pigs and means more offspring.

Superconductors for industry

The world’s first induction heater with superconductors is based on a Trondheim invention. This technology can bring large savings to the aluminium industry.

Stolen identity

No matter how you try, it’s impossible to protect your identity online. Researchers have found a major gaping security hole.

One centimetre is enough

Did you eat fish last year that contained high mercury levels? A researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology has developed an innovative test that uses hair to provide the answer.

Threatened language

Only several hundred people currently speak Southern Sámi. But the language refuses to die.

The robot that climbs pipe walls

A robot that can move forward and inspect complicated pipe systems is currently under development. The robot can twist its way vertically up pipe walls.

Safer with light metals

A cheap and simple structure made of aluminium can mean the difference between life and death the day that bombs go off.

Finding the plug

A pressure pulse through a pipeline can locate plugs, saving oil companies a lot of money.

Set in concrete


Real-time Beethoven

Now, you can compose and perform in the same few milliseconds. And the variations you can make on a single theme are infinite.

The new face of the sea

We have reached the limits of the sea’s ability to sustain fisheries. We have to change our aquaculture practises.

A longer life with a Superman bicycle

A new type of exercise equipment can prevent serious lifestyle illnesses in paraplegic patients.The equipment, which was partly developed at NTNU, was first designed for the American actor Christopher Reeve.


Just wimps?

Norway nearly leads the world when it comes to problems […]