Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV)

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Electric cars

Improving the range of electric vehicles

If electric vehicles were lighter, they would also be more energy-efficient. Not surprisingly, this is a problem researchers are working on – using aluminium.

Cracking the planetary code

Imagine if everyone were to agree to do everything they can to help the planet. Right now. What sort of state would we and the planet be in in 2050? And what would we have to do?


Three pieces of advice for politicians about plastic

Plastic, and plastic pollution, are a huge problem for both human health and the environment. An interdisciplinary panel of experts suggests that politicians take three concrete steps to better understand and rein in this growing problem.

Unlocking the secrets of evolution

We know that evolution works over many, many millennia, giving rise to everything from hippopotamuses to whales and more. A new study looks at the links between microevolution, or evolution over a shorter period, and macroevolution, or evolution over thousand or millions of generations.

Kim Robert Tekseth

4D imaging of fluids in pores

A method based on CT (computed tomography) – a type of imaging that is widely used in hospitals – can help improve our understanding of CO2 storage, batteries, and processes in the body such as nutrient uptake.