UN Sustainable Development Goals: Gender Equality

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Women born prematurely are at greater risk of committing suicide

Children born prematurely are more at risk of dying from road traffic accidents, suicide and substance abuse in late adolescence. A new Nordic study shows that women who were born prematurely are particularly at significantly greater risk of committing suicide.

Why did so many girls die?

Far more female infants than male infants died in Europe from 1700–1950. Researchers have been investigating why.

Footballgirls with different skincolours

Is a foreign name a disadvantage?

Do we discriminate against people with foreign-sounding names? A clever experiment with fictional girls who wanted to play football yields some answers that might surprise you.

It's 1910 and NTH, the Norwegian Institute of Technology, is officially opening. The hall is full of men, aside from a woman in the back, against the wall.

How chemistry studies became a door opener for women in 1910

The Norwegian Institute of Technology had special status and an education from the institute virtually guaranteed good career opportunities. That allowed its women graduates to break the glass ceiling in the early 20th century and become chemical engineers. But every woman needed a supportive man behind her.

Pirates, noblewomen and bicycling housewives

Why does Norway always rank among the top countries on the planet when it comes to gender equality? Part of the answer lies in medieval times, when Norwegian women battled the Hanseatic League with pirates and threatened to burn down towns to wield their power.


From programming a calculator to activist professor for gender equality

Letizia Jaccheri has won a Norwegian award recognizing her efforts to bring more women into the tech industry. She’s been instrumental in helping increase the number of women in leadership positions at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where she herself is a professor of computer science.


Are robots designed to include the queer population?

Robot technology is flourishing in multiple sectors of society, including the retail, health care, industry and education sectors. However, are the perspectives of minority groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community, considered in robot and AI development?