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C-sections by trained health officers a safe alternative

Sierra Leone has few doctors and even fewer surgeons to serve its seven million people. Since 2011, a non-profit group called CapaCare has been training community health officers to perform basic lifesaving surgeries. A new study shows the programme is working well when it comes to the most common surgery in the country — Caesarean sections.

Eight myths about your brain

Do we have a dominant brain hemisphere? Do we use our whole brain? Can we train our brains to be smarter? Does our ability to learn depend only on our genetic inheritance?

How you can reduce your pain

Are you bothered by persistent pain? Here’s a pain physician’s advice on how to change your perceptions of pain and get a grip on it.

Atrial fibrillation affected by your genes

Researchers have observed a connection between certain genes and atrial fibrillation. Their study makes an important contribution to understanding different risk factors.

Advice for parents who struggle with picky eaters

Children have to taste a food at least ten times before knowing whether they like it or not. Pickiness is hereditary, says an NTNU professor. She has nine tips for parents with picky eaters.

Bigger people will need more food

Food demand is growing as people get bigger. Feeding a population of 9 billion in 2050 will require much more food than previously calculated.

Scientists record posture-coding neurons in the cortex

Even the most basic moves in life, like getting out of bed in the morning, require far more coordination than one might think. Neuroscientists may have just uncovered key aspects of how the brain controls body posture during these kinds of everyday movements.

A diagnostic tool to save lives and prevent brain damage

A new study confirms the efficacy of a new diagnostic tool that utilises ultrasound to measure intracranial pressure following accidents. The technology will now be provided with artificial intelligence so that ambulance personnel can carry out examinations at accident scenes.

Are smoking genes to blame for drinking, too?

Some smokers have genes that predispose them to heavier smoking. Researchers looked at whether those same genes might trigger heavier drinking — and it turns out, they don’t.

Does weather influence older adults’ physical activity?

The summer of 2018 has been one of the hottest and driest in recent times in large parts of Norway and Europe. How does weather affect the exercise habits of the elderly? A study of 1200 older adults’ activity level linked to weather data shows that warmer, dry weather is the most inviting.

How your brain experiences time

Researchers at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience have discovered a network of brain cells that expresses our sense of time within experiences and memories. The area of the brain where time is experienced is located right next to the area that codes for space.