Diagnostic tests not recommended “just to be on the safe side”
Paradoxical maybe, but it’s what often happens in the health services: When you ask for an MRI to be on the safe side, your uncertainty increases.
Paradoxical maybe, but it’s what often happens in the health services: When you ask for an MRI to be on the safe side, your uncertainty increases.
Now it’s well documented: forest therapy is an effective and simple method for dealing with something many people struggle with.
The youngest children in a school grade are diagnosed with ADHD almost twice as often as the oldest in the class. The most widespread use of ADHD medication is among children who were born prematurely.
Research scientist Trine Moholdt at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). She will study how exercise impacts breast milk composition.
People in good physical shape are less likely to need a sleeping pill prescription from their doctor. This suggests that being fit can help you sleep better.
Over three hundred Norwegians experience temporary memory loss each year, but the cause has until now been difficult to discern with brain scans. A super magnet costing EUR 9.4 million gives hope that more people might be able to find out why they suddenly forgot everything.
Stroke patients who experience delirium during a stroke could be more prone to developing cognitive and psychiatric difficulties.
Individuals with severe obesity often reward themselves with food. Recent research shows that dieting is good for changing eating habits and weight. However, bariatric surgery has several advantages.
A rule of thumb in the mountains is to turn around in time when the situation warrants. You might want to apply this wisdom to dieting as well. Especially if you swear by an extremely low-carb eating approach known as the ketogenic diet.
Physically active people who increased their activity level early on in the pandemic had poorer mental health than those who delayed increasing their exercise.
Not everyone with diabetes knows they have the disease. A survey of close to 53 000 participants found that far more people are being discovered with diabetes than was previously thought.
Just as with COVID-19, future viral outbreaks will have plenty of time to spread before a vaccine becomes available. A new approach developed at NTNU can save lives and prevent the need to shut down society.
In the age of smartphones and social media, the number of adolescents and young adults in Norway with depression and anxiety has doubled. Researchers believe politicians and technology giants need to take more responsibility.
Twice as many women as men suffer from headaches. Migraines are the leading cause of disability for people under the age of 50.
Minutes count when you have a heart attack. Patient involvement is a statutory right but not always possible in this situation. Elise K. Bårdsgjerde has researched participation in the different phases of the patient process from the perspective of patients, nurses and doctors.
Healthier habits and more activity reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But many people still choose not to change their habits.
For the first time, heroin overdose nasal sprays have been tested on more than 200 real acute patients.
What researchers are learning about the fate of chemicals in the Arctic, and how what they’re learning is changing international law and providing life-saving advice.
Meet Mini2P – a tiny brain explorer that allows us to discover completely new landscapes in the live and active brain.
The RS virus more often leads to hospitalizations in children than the coronavirus alone. New research results show that fewer children who get both the rhinovirus and corona appear to get seriously sick than kids who contract corona alone.
The underlying cause of many cardiovascular diseases is inflammation of the artery walls. Now NTNU researchers have found that a specific neurotransmitter in the immune cells is a key factor when cholesterol accumulates in our blood vessels.
Researchers at NTNU have managed to restore muscle function in older mice with muscle loss using advanced gene therapy. The hope is that this method might eventually be used on humans to prevent severe loss of muscle mass.
Seventy- to eighty-year-olds who train for better fitness are better at solving cognitive tasks and are less likely to suffer cognitive impairment.
More than half of the individuals who suffer a stroke subsequently struggle with concentration and problem solving. Cognitive impairment following a stroke doesn’t go away. The problem has been overlooked, according to a major research project.