Ambulance personel treat an unconscious person on the street

Simple nasal spray ready to save lives

Between 250 and 270 people die each year from heroin or opioid overdoses in Norway. In the EU, thousands die. European users now have a better option available for helping each other.

Hope for 500 000 insomniacs in Norway

Digital sleep therapy could offer help to people with sleep problems and enable many of them to reduce their sleep medication after treatment.

A man holds a large trout

Why aren’t sea trout thriving anymore?

Sea trout numbers are declining in Norway and scientists don’t know why. They have studied the trout in two rivers in northern Norway’s Nordland county. Soon, sea trout along the entire Norwegian coast will be investigated.

Some sparrows sitting in a tree

Inbreeding detrimental for survival

Inbred birds don’t live as long and have fewer offspring than non-inbred birds. Inbreeding is equally harmful regardless of where the birds live.

A woman secretly watches her partner cheat on her

How women and men forgive infidelity

Men and women react differently to different types of infidelity. But new findings about how we forgive cheating by our partners surprised researchers.

Best players are passionate about football

Sogndal football teams from Vestland county in Norway have now been studied by specialists. Football coaches often consider the players with the greatest passion and grit to be the best.

How to get good at disagreeing

Do you hesitate to speak up when you disagree with the rest of the group? Are the others not saying anything either? Then you’re probably not maximizing your collaboration. But you can learn how to disagree more effectively.

Panthera leo’s family tree takes shape

Once upon a time, lions were the world’s most widespread mammals. Now we know more about their genealogy – and that could make it easier to help the species survive.


Game-based learning platform free for the remainder of the school year

Teachers across the globe are working hard to provide classes online for the millions of students who are homebound because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Kahoot, an online interactive learning platform that has its roots in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, is offering free premium access to help teachers enrich their online offerings.

Instagram makes it easier to exercise

People who followed researchers’ motivational posts on Instagram got more enjoyment out of their training sessions. Just a couple of minutes over the course of four weeks was enough to make a difference.

State’s large investments smarter than many people think

From the press coverage, you might expect only wasted time and projects built over budget when the government invests in roads, buildings and other large projects. But the state — in Norway, anyway — doesn’t do a bad job after all.

Lithium can now be recycled

Lithium from Norwegian electric car batteries isn’t recycled that often. Instead, it ends up as waste when other metals it’s mixed with are recycled. But this may change.